Welcome to IJCAI

International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence is a non-profit corporation founded in California, in 1969 for scientific and educational purposes, including dissemination of information on Artificial Intelligence at conferences in which cutting-edge scientific results are presented and through dissemination of materials presented at these meetings in form of Proceedings, books, video recordings, and other educational materials. IJCAI consists of two divisions: the Conference Division and the AI Journal Division. IJCAI conferences present premier international gatherings of AI researchers and practitioners and they were held biennially in odd-numbered years since 1969.

Starting with 2016, IJCAI conferences are held annually. IJCAI-24 will be held in Jeju Island, South Korea from August 3rd until August 9th , IJCAI-25 in Montreal, Canada and IJCAI-ECAI-26 in Bremen, Germany.

IJCAI is governed by the Board of Trustees, with IJCAI Secretariat in charge of its operations.

IJCAI-23 was held from August 19th until August 25th, 2023 in Macao, SAR. The Conference Committee  thanks you all for participating.

IJCAI-24 Awards Announcement
AI Hub launched
Funding Opportunities for Promoting AI Research
Free Access to the AI journal

IJCAI Anti-Discrimination Policy (pdf)
IJCAI Privacy Policy (pdf)

IJCAI Organization would like to acknowledge and thank the following platinum level sponsors of its past three conferences in a row: