Welcome to Ceræ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Ceræ (ISSN: 2204-146X) is an award-winning, peer-reviewed, academic journal of medieval and early modern studies.

Conceived in 2013 at the University of Western Australia by a group of graduate scholars, Ceræ has intentionally been both a digital-only and an open access publication. We have continued to promote open-access, digital scholarship since our independence in 2020. This conscious choice was made in order to highlight the similarities between the ubiquitous wax tablets – ceræ – of the ancient, medieval, and early modern worlds, and the palimpsest-like nature of how information in the twenty-first century is both disseminated and stored within a variety of digital media. To read more about the inspiration behind our journal’s name and logo, this short manifesto from one of our founding members explains their motivations.

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All of our articles, book reviews, and varia are published on this website. You may also find information about our international Editorial Committee, links to all of our Blog posts, including extended article content, Calls For Papers, as well as information about both Essay Prizes and Sponsorship.

Featured Image: 1) The Holkham Bible Picture Book, BL MS Add 47682, f.27v, c. 1330 CE; 2) Stuttgart, Landesbibl., Cod. HB XIII 1, f.80r, 14th century; 3) Codex Manesse, Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Cod. Pal. germ. 848 Große Heidelberger Liederhandschrift, f.323r, c. 1300; 4) Hildegard von Bingen receives a vision, Biblioteca Statale, Lucca, c.1220–1230; 5) Zachariah writing on a tablet, Benedicitonal of Æthelwold, BL MS Add 49598, f.92v, 10th century; 6) Office of the Dead, Book of Hours, The Hague, MMW, 10 F 50, f.157v, c. 1460; 7) Macrobius writing on a tablet, Macrobius, Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis, Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, ms. NKS 218, f 46v, c. 1150.

Recent Posts

Medieval and Early Modern Metamorphoses: Ceræ’s Inaugural Virtual Conference, April 2024

In the last week of April, the Ceræ committee organised a very stimulating virtual Zoom conference, both in terms of thematic diversity and technical implementation. Uniquely organised in a continuous, uninterrupted format of four blocks each containing three thematically cohesive sessions over two calendar days, speakers presented from 11 time zones around the world. The … Continue reading Medieval and Early Modern Metamorphoses: Ceræ’s Inaugural Virtual Conference, April 2024

Conference Week!

The Ceræ inaugural virtual conference, held over 26–27 April and organised around the theme of Metamorphosis, Transformation, and Transmutation, is just a few days away! The program is now available on our conference program page, here, with UTC time zones listed. However, you can also download a detailed schedule with each panel listed in multiple time zones at the link … Continue reading Conference Week!

Seeking Book Reviewers & CFP Deadline EXTENDED for Volume 11

Books Available to Review for Volume 11 Ceræ is seeking book reviewers for Volume 11. While we are open to researchers at any stage in their careers, we are particularly seeking graduate students and Early Career Researchers. Reviews should be 800-1200 words, exclusive of footnotes, appendices, and references. For examples of review form and content, … Continue reading Seeking Book Reviewers & CFP Deadline EXTENDED for Volume 11

Ceræ Inaugural Conference – CFP deadline EXTENDED & Keynotes Announced

The Ceræ inaugural virtual conference, held over 26–27 April 20241 and organised around the theme of Metamorphosis, Transformation, and Transmutation, is just under two months away, and the committee has been busy planning a varied programme from the submissions we have already received. However, in order to provide ample opportunity for scholars at all stages … Continue reading Ceræ Inaugural Conference – CFP deadline EXTENDED & Keynotes Announced

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